Woodland felling and planting

Small scale felling and thinning works are undertaken, especially in areas of high ecological value where high standards of best practise are essential to minimise disturbance.

Broadoak Wood Woodland

This woodland forms part of a SSSI designated for GCN and semi-natural broad-leaved woodland. The site also has full public access and a number of badger setts.


ELM liaised with the local wildlife group to ensure public awareness of the planned operations, obtained a badger licence and a GCN habitat management licence. The felling removed any dangerous trees as well as opening new glades to encourage a greater age structure and diversity.


Wood Field

Following a successful application for a Woodland Grant Scheme, the client required ELM to plant over 500 trees in a SSSI. The site had full public access, so community liaison was also part of the brief.


Rowan during first summer after planting


Rowan 3 years after planting